Hello fellow horse lovers!

Benozzo Gozzoli, The cavalcade of the Magi (detail)
Palazzo Medici Riccardi – Firenze

Even if as a journalist I work in the field of politics, since the beginning of my career, I continued to deal with literature and history. In recent years I have devoted myself to the study of treatises about horsemanship. In the course of this work, I have seen how  historians have so far rather neglected the study of these kind of works and, more generally, have paid little attention to the crucial role that the horse has played in the history of civilization. Similarly, I found that many of the publications on these topics are tainted by methodological flaws, clichés and partisanship.

So, in collaboration with my friend Sue Chiverton, I thought it might be useful to propose some hints on the history of equitation, trying not to bore readers with big words, but at the same time providing reliable information and showing images of interest to all who love the horse.
To learn more, please follow this link (About this blog). If you want to read the first post, please follow this other link (An encounter that never occured: Baucher and Mazzucchelli) or just browse the site.


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

Keron Psillasreply
17/12/2012 at 13:27

Congratulations to you both! This is a wonderful beginning and I look forward to learning much more in the coming posts. Keep us informed about the book…and congratulations again! Thank you for all your research and passion for Classical Riding. warmly, Keron

17/12/2012 at 20:14

Looking forward to learning more!

Heather Moffettreply
18/12/2012 at 13:21

What a fantastic idea!! Loved the first articles and look forward to more. Will share on fb and my forum 😉

Katrina Sandersreply
28/02/2013 at 15:46

Thank you! I appreciate the time it takes to research what most feel is obscure. I have shared on FB and hope that my friends and students will enjoy as well. If you need any information about the California Vaquero, please let me know!

28/02/2013 at 15:54
– In reply to: Katrina Sanders

Thank you very much! I’m glad you like it and I hope we’ll keep in touch. At the moment the blog is suspended, because I am translating my book into English. But I hope to get back soon. I will let you know. Ciao!

27/03/2013 at 22:54

Your site is stunning. I love it here.

28/03/2013 at 10:33
– In reply to: Jess

Dear Jess,

I’m very glad you like it. At the moment the site is in a pause, because I’m working on the translation of my book in English. I hope it will be published in the US by the end of the year. But in the next weeks I will surely post new articles. So we’ll keep in touch. Thank you very much for your appreciation. Ciao!

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